Mental noodling on issues close to my heart.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sorry, Buckeye Chuck. Spring is here.

I think the idea that a groundhog can predict the changing season is fun. These poor animals are roused from their slumber just so we can see whether they see their shadow. Don't we know that before they pop up? If those of us standing around watching have a shadow, then Punxsutawney Phil will, too. So we could leave the little beast to sleep the winter away, but it's so much fun! All that aside, Albuquerque is going to have a very spring-like day today. Our winter has not been particularly cold or snowy, but I am looking forward to the lower 70's and upper 60's for the rest of the week. Spring has added meaning for me this year. The ending of a dark period and the beginning of something new. Like life, there may be a few cold days waiting in the wings, but spring is springing and I'm glad to see it.

1 comment:

Erin said...

I am so with you brother! I sense that this year is going to be a special one. Healing, opening, growing, spiritual connection and more.

Something about brighter days brings hope and possibilites.

I purchased tomato and pepper seeds yesterday-- it will be time to plant before long.

So, may the ground hog do whatever he is supposed to do to bring on the warm weather sooner (as you can tell, I am not very up on the lore here).