Mental noodling on issues close to my heart.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How radical can we be?

Being a clergyperson I attend meetings each year that prepare us for our "annual conference". Our annual conference area is proposing a resolution to bring us in line with strategic goals that the bishops of our denomination have set for the next four years. I am caught between being hopeful and full of despair regarding these goals. First I'll list the goals, then I'll explain my predicament.

"These Strategic Goals are:
• Teach the Wesleyan way of reaching and making disciples for Jesus Christ
• Strengthen clergy and lay leadership
• Transform existing congregations
• Develop new congregations
• End racism as we authentically expand racial/ethnic ministry
• Eliminate poverty in community with the poor
• Reach and transform the lives of the new generation of children"

from "Resolution on Strategic Goals for the New Mexico Conference" 2008

I see some of these goals as phenomenal. Some are predictable. I think a couple of them lack any oomph or direction. The bishops are right to call our churches to account for falling away from using "methodist" or "Wesleyan" tools that were so helpful in the past. Everything needs to be evaluated over time, but perhaps we have disposed of some things for lack of creativity that really just needed to be revisioned.

I don't know of a denomination that couldn't benefit from strengthening its leadership. My question is, "Strengthen in what way?" What are we lacking that we want to build?

Transform existing congregations. Wow! That could be quite radical. What kind of transformation do we want to see? Simply growth in numbers rather than decline? Growth in discipleship? Retooling to be mission centered congregations?

Developing new congregations has been a struggle for us here. We are looking to start at least one new congregation in the next year or so. What if we were to really reach out and try several different avenues for starting 10 congregations instead? Crazy? Maybe, but one new congregation isn't stretching anything.

I'll continue more very soon. Time passes and meetings must be made. I am under no illusion that I am immune from taking part in these things. Those who would complain should be willing to be first in line to make changes. I'm looking at changes. Things that scare me and excite me at the same time. That sounds like God at work. I am serious about the building of God's kingdom on earth. How much will I risk to do the work?

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